do not be defeated!

Published: Tue, 08/02/16

Monday Motivation!
I hope you are getting value from the information that I am sharing with you. 

I truly believe, if you can defeat the enemy within, the enemy without can do you no harm. So mindset is such an important area to understand and overcome!
Are you letting the defeats of the past stop you from moving forward?
I am in an industry where people get involved in because want to create a better lifestyle for themselves and their families. However many times people let the defeats of the past stop them from walking into their victories of the future.

​​​​​​​Lost hope is the main ingredient to unfulfilled dreams and is the thing that causes most people to live in the "Would Have, Could Have, Should Haves"

It does not matter how bleak a situation seems or how difficult a challenge gets, you DO NOT have to give into it.

The only time you loose when you get hit, is when you stay down. However, if you get hit, as Les Brown says "make sure you fall on your back, because, if you can look up, you can get UP!"

I hope this is helping you, we have to help people evolve in their thinking, in order for them to change their lives.
98% of the population will be 'Dead' or 'Dead Broke' by the age of 65!
Choose to be part of the 2%

To Your Success

Jason Gregory
Business Coach & Mentor

Tel:+44 (0) 1992 715 833
Mob: +44 (0) 7886 557942
Skype: Visionarys